I always wanted to build a computer.

Story: Linux Nerd New Year's ResolutionsTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Dec 30, 2013
4:59 PM EDT
Among on the other, more mundane things, I want to build my own computer. I don't mean the more common buy a dozen major parts and bolt them into a steel box sort of building.

I've recently read through the first three volumns of "The Art of Computer Programming" by D. Knuth, and felt inspired. Not just by his MIX machine, but also for learning complex algorithms at the assembly level. So far, i have a documented instruction set, asm language, the start of an assember and an emulator, and a working hello world application. I don't intend to stop until I have a fully emulated machine, with processer, disk, networking, audio and graphic io devices, and an application stack that includes a modern programming lanuage, a multitreaded ui, a full development environment, and a few real world useful apps. I only hope that at some point I can burn it into a FPGA.

Best of luck with yours!

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