How to Install Slack on Debian 12, 11 or 10

Slack is a beacon in collaboration platforms, offering teams a unified space to communicate, share, and work efficiently. For those aiming to install Slack on Debian 12 Bookworm, Debian 11 Bullseye, or Debian 10 Buster, understanding its core functionalities and advantages is paramount. Slack’s design and features cater to modern teams, ensuring streamlined communication and enhanced productivity.

Key Advantages of Slack:

  • Centralized Communication: Slack consolidates team interactions, from instant messaging to voice and video calls, into a single platform, fostering efficient and coherent communication.
  • Channel Organization: Tailor your workspace by creating channels specific to projects, departments, or topics. This structured approach ensures focused discussions and better team alignment.
  • Extensive Integrations: Slack seamlessly integrates with over 2,000 third-party applications, allowing teams to incorporate tools they already use, enhancing workflow efficiency.
  • Efficient Search: Quickly retrieve messages, files, or data using Slack’s advanced search feature, minimizing time spent hunting for information.
  • Robust Security: With features like two-factor authentication and single sign-on, Slack prioritizes data protection, giving teams peace of mind regarding their communications.
  • Multi-Platform Access: Slack’s availability across various operating systems and devices ensures that team members can stay connected, irrespective of their device preference.

Given Slack’s robust feature set and its potential to elevate team collaboration, it’s a valuable addition to any organization’s toolkit. This guide will elucidate the steps to install Slack on Debian 12 Bookworm, Debian 11 Bullseye, or Debian 10 Buster, guiding you through the process to ensure a smooth installation experience.

Install Slack on Debian 12, 11, or 10 via .deb Package

Step 1: Update Your Debian Before Slack Installation

Before starting the installation process, ensuring that your Debian Linux system is up to date is essential.

To update your system, run the following command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Step 2: Download Slack .deb Package on Debian

Now that your system is up to date, you need to download the Slack .deb package. First, go to the Slack downloads page and find the most recent download link for the Debian package.

Once you have the link, return to your terminal and use the wget command to download the package. Replace the example URL with the one you’ve obtained from the Slack downloads page:


In this example, we’re using Slack version 4.31.155. Make sure to replace the version number with the one corresponding to the package you’ve downloaded.

Step 3: Install Slack on Debian via APT Command

With the Slack .deb package downloaded, you can now install it using the apt command. The following command installs Slack on your system:

sudo apt install ./slack-desktop-4.31.155-amd64.deb 

Remember to replace slack-desktop-4.31.155-amd64.deb with the filename of the package you’ve downloaded. This command will install Slack and any required dependencies automatically.

Install Slack on Debian 12, 11, or 10 via Flatpak and Flathub

Flatpak is a powerful and versatile package management system with a sandboxed application environment. This means that applications installed with Flatpak run securely and independently from other applications and system libraries. This section will guide you through installing Slack using Flatpak and the Flathub repository.

If Flatpak isn’t installed on your system, please refer to the guide on how to install Flatpak on Debian for instructions on installing the latest supported version of Flatpak.

Step 1: Add the Flathub Repository on Debian For Slack

To install Slack using Flatpak, you must first add the Flathub repository containing the Slack package. To add the Flathub repository, open the terminal and enter the following command:

sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

This command checks if the Flathub repository exists on your system and adds it if it’s not already present.

Step 2: Install Slack on Debian via Flatpak Command

With the Flathub repository added to your system, you can now install Slack. To do this, run the following command in the terminal:

flatpak install flathub com.slack.Slack -y

This command installs the Slack package from the Flathub repository in a sandboxed environment. The -y option automatically confirms the installation.

Upon completion of the installation process, Slack will be accessible on your Debian Linux system through the Flatpak sandboxed environment. This setup ensures Slack runs securely and independently from other applications and system libraries, providing enhanced security and stability for your team collaboration experience.

Launching Slack on Debian 12, 11 or 10

Now that Slack is installed on your Debian Linux system, you can launch it in several ways. This section will guide you through different methods of starting Slack so you can begin collaborating with your team.

See also
How to Install Git on Debian 12, 11 or 10

CLI Methods to Launch Slack on Debian

One way to launch Slack is by using the terminal. To do this, type the following command:


Secondly, for Flatpak installations, you need to run the alternative command in your terminal:

flatpak run com.slack.Slack

GUI Method to Launch Slack on Debian

A more practical approach to launching Slack is by using the graphical interface of your Debian desktop environment. Here’s how to find and launch Slack:

  1. Open the Activities menu, usually at the screen’s top-left corner.
  2. Click on Show Applications, typically represented by a grid of dots at the bottom of the Activities menu.
  3. Look for the Slack icon among the list of installed applications. You can also use the search function in the Show Applications menu to find Slack if you have many applications installed quickly.
Screenshot of Slack client launching from the application icon on Debian Linux.
Step-by-step screenshot displaying how to initiate the Slack client using the application icon on Debian Linux.

Getting Started with the Slack Client on Debian 12, 11 or 10

This section will provide some tips and tricks for getting started with the Slack client on Debian Linux. These tips will help you customize and optimize your Slack experience, making team collaboration more efficient and enjoyable.

Slack Customizations and Personalization with Debian

  • Customize Your Sidebar: Organize your channels, direct messages, and apps by customizing the sidebar in Slack. To do this, click on your workspace name in the top-left corner and select Preferences. In the preferences menu, go to the Sidebar tab and adjust the settings according to your needs.
  • Change Slack’s Appearance: You can personalize the look of your Slack client by changing its theme. Click on your workspace name in the top-left corner and select Preferences. Under the Themes tab, you can choose from various themes or create a custom theme by selecting the Customize option.

General Slack Tips with Debian

  • Use Keyboard Shortcuts: Speed up your navigation and productivity in Slack using keyboard shortcuts. Press Ctrl + / (slash) to bring up a list of available shortcuts within the Slack client.
  • Format Your Messages: Improve the readability of your messages by using text formatting options. For example, use asterisks (*) to create bold text or underscores (_) to create italics. You can also use backticks (`) for inline code and triple backticks (“`) for multiline code blocks.
**bold text**
_italic text_
`inline code`
multiline code block
  • Pinning Important Messages: Keep important messages easily accessible by pinning them to a channel. To pin a message, hover over it, click the More actions icon (three vertical dots), and select Pin to this channel.

Other Slack Tips with Debian

  • Set Your Status: Let your teammates know your availability by setting your status. Click on your profile picture in the top-right corner and select Update your status. Choose from the list of predefined statuses or create a custom status.
  • Mute Noisy Channels: If specific channels are too distracting, you can mute them to avoid receiving notifications. To mute a channel, right-click on the channel’s name in the sidebar and select Mute channel.
  • Star Important Channels: Quickly access important channels by starring them. To star a channel, right-click on the channel’s name in the sidebar and select Star channel. Starred channels will appear at the top of your sidebar for easy access.
Screenshot illustrating the Slack sign-in process on Debian Linux.
Clear screenshot guides users on signing into their Slack accounts on Debian Linux.

Additional Slack Commands with Debian 12, 11 or 10

This section will cover additional Slack commands to help you manage your Slack installation on Debian Linux. Specifically, we will discuss updating and removing the Slack client using the Debian Package and Flatpak methods.

Update Slack on Debian

APT Slack Update Method

When a new version of the Slack client becomes available, you must update your installation to benefit from the latest features and bug fixes. Download the new version and reinstall the application to update Slack installed via the Debian Package method. Follow the steps outlined in Section 1 for downloading and installing the latest Slack .deb package.

Flatpak Slack Update Method

Updating the client is simple if you have installed Slack using Flatpak. To update Slack, open the terminal and enter the following command:

flatpak update com.slack.Slack

Or for all Flatpak packages:

flatpak update

Remove Slack from Debian

If you no longer need Slack on your Debian system, you can easily remove it. The removal process differs depending on whether you installed Slack using the Debian Package or Flatpak method.

APT Slack Remove Method

To remove Slack installed via the Debian Package method, open the terminal and enter the following command:

sudo apt remove slack-desktop

This command will uninstall the Slack client from your Debian system.

See also
How to Enable Backports on Debian Linux 12, 11 or 10

Flatpak Slack Remove Method

To remove Slack installed using Flatpak, open the terminal and enter the following command:

flatpak uninstall com.slack.Slack

This command will uninstall and remove the Slack client from your Debian system.


In this guide, we have covered the process of installing Slack on Debian Linux using two different methods: the Debian Package and Flatpak. We have also provided instructions on launching Slack, shared helpful tips for using the Slack client, and discussed additional commands for updating and removing Slack from your Debian system. Following the steps outlined in this guide, you should now have a functional and up-to-date Slack client on your Debian Linux system.

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